Key Reporting Requirements Calendar and Helpful Contact Information
An updated Key Reporting Requirements calendar is now available on the OSA’s website. This PDF document lists each reporting form that relief associations must submit to the OSA and additional required State reporting. Links to the forms and their applicable due dates are also provided. The calendar can be found in the Pension Forms section of our website under the “Resources for Completing Forms” heading, or you can access it directly by clicking here.
An updated training video that walks through the “Reporting Requirements for Fire Relief Associations” is also available on the OSA website.
Many relief associations will be holding their annual meeting and elections soon. The OSA makes available a one-page document that provides links to resources available on our website. These resources are intended to help individuals who are elected to a relief association’s board of trustees be successful in their new positions. The information document can be found in the Pension Documents section of our website under the “Other Resources” heading, or you can access it directly be clicking here.
The OSA also provides contact information, including phone numbers, email addresses, and websites, for many of the government offices and agencies with which fire relief associations interact. The information can be found on the OSA website here.
Last Updated December 2024