Do I need high-speed Internet to download or use CTAS?
What is high-speed Internet?
High-speed or broadband Internet is most commonly supplied through a cable TV connection or telephone connection in the form of DSL. Dial-up access, also supplied through your telephone, is not considered high-speed.
Do I need high-speed Internet to download CTAS?
High-speed or broadband Internet is highly recommended to download CTAS.
If you do not have high-speed Internet or if you are unsure whether you have high-speed Internet, please e-mail the CTAS helpline at or call 651-296-6262.
Do I need high-speed Internet to use CTAS?
You do not need high-speed Internet to run the program once it has been installed. Some of the program’s features take advantage of an Internet connection: a number of these features may work fine over a dial-up connection, but others may not.
All of these features can be accomplished by an alternate method that does not require an Internet connection. If you do not have high-speed Internet available and need to perform an operation that requires a high-speed connection, e-mail the CTAS helpline at or call 651-296-6262.