OSA Weekly Update - 2/17/2023

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

2. Released: Fire Relief Association Reporting Forms

3. Avoiding Pitfall: Contract Quotations

1. Message from Auditor Blaha

The Office of the State Auditor (OSA) is hiring! We are looking for Local Government Auditors and summer interns to join our teams in St. Paul and Duluth.

Posting details (including salary ranges) will be available on the OSA website early next week.

At the OSA, we pride ourselves on our supportive work environment for our staff including the ability to work remotely. Apply by March 13 to join our dynamic team!

For additional information about the application process, go to http://www.mn.gov/careers or contact the job information line at 651-259-3637 or email careers@state.mn.us.

2. Released: Fire Relief Association Reporting Forms

The 2022 Financial and Investment Reporting Entry (FIRE-22) Form and 2023 Schedule (SC-23) Form for fire relief associations are available for completion. Reporting forms are accessible through the State Auditor’s Form Entry System (SAFES).

Detailed instructions for completing the forms and a reporting checklist that explains how to access, submit, and electronically sign forms are also posted on the OSA website.

3. Avoiding Pitfall: Contract Quotations

Minnesota’s Uniform Municipal Contracting Law uses dollar-amount thresholds to determine whether local government contracts may be entered into on the basis of competitive bids, quotations, or purchase or sale in the open market. Contracts estimated to exceed $175,000 must generally be made using sealed bids, solicited by public notice. In general, contracts with estimated values of $175,000 or less can be made based on quotations. Contracts estimated not to exceed $25,000 may be made on either quotations or in the open market.

The Avoiding Pitfall is available on the OSA website.