Census 2020 data
Author: Census
Year: 2020
Description: American Community Survey (ACS)
Wastewater Infrastructure Needs Survey (WINS)
Author: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Year: 2023
Description: MPCA administers this survey to MN communities biennually. Survey completion is not mandatory.
Clean Water Revolving Fund Project Priority List (PPL)
Author: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
Year: 2024
Description: The Project Priority List (PPL) prepared by the MPCA identifies wastewater and stormwater projects that are potentially eligible to receive a Clean Water Revolving Fund (CWRF) loan over the next five years.
Drinking Water Sanitary Survey (DWSS)
Author: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
Year: 2023 and earlier
Description: Information regularly collected by MDH and combined over an 18-month period.
Drinking Water Revolving Fund Project Priority List (PPL)
Author: Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
Year: 2024
Description: The Project Priority List (PPL) prepared by the MDH identifies drinking water projects that are potentially eligible to receive a DWRF loan over the next five years.
Annual Financial Reporting Form (AFRF)
Author: Office of the State Auditor (OSA)
Year: 2017 - 2021
Description: Enterprise fund data reported on AFRF and verified against audited and unaudited financial statements. City enterprises shown are for water and sewer activities, FY 2017-2021. Special district reporting for FY 2017-2021.
MN2050 Survey Data
Author: MN2050
Year: 2015-16
Description: City survey data detailing the asset management systems across Minnesota in the year 2015-16.
Source: City, Township, and Unorganized Territory (CTU) Boundaries, Minnesota, May 29, 2014
Author: MnGeo
Description: Downloaded from Minnesota Geospatial Commons. Boundaries of cities, townships, and unorganized territories in Minnesota. Cities boundaries extracted from dataset and centroids (center of the boundaries) calculated. Updated to remove Thomson and add Rice Lake.
Special Districts
Source: City, Township, and Unorganized Territory (CTU) Boundaries, Minnesota, May 29, 2014
Author: MnGeo/U-Spatial
Description: Lists of special district services obtained from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Minnesota Department of Health, and the Office of the State Auditor. Represented as the centroid (center) of the approximate service area not by location of treatment plants or wells.
Source: City, Township, and Unorganized Territory (CTU) Boundaries, Minnesota, May 29, 2014
Author: MnGeo
Description: CTU dataset dissolved to create county boundaries.
Source: DNR Watersheds DNR Level 04 HUC 08-majors (MN DNR Watershed Suite)
Author: MN DNR
Description: Downloaded from MN Geospatial Commons
Source: DNR Watersheds DNR Level 02 HUC 04 (MN DNR Watershed Suite)
Author: MN DNR
Description: Downloaded from MN Geospatial Commons
Legislative Districts
Source: House District and Senate District Boundaries, Minnesota, 2012
Author: Minnesota Legislative Coordinating Commission - Geographic Information Services Office (LCC- GIS)R
Description: Downloaded from MN Geospatial Commons